M-LiNk promoted a series of MHA and locally-sponsored educational offerings and related programs focused on reducing hospital mortality. M-LiNk provided access to faculty experts, evidence-based interventions and local best practices to improve related structures, processes and outcomes.
M-LiNk was a peer-based learning opportunity for hospitals to:
- Identify best practices correlated with a reduction in mortality;
- Adopt system supports used in high-reliability organizations; and
- Implement protocols to identify and differentially treat high-risk patients.
Please contact MHA's Pat Noga, Vice President of Clinical Affairs at or (781) 262-6045 with any questions.
M-LiNk Portfolio: the portfolio of learning opportunities included the following focus areas:
1. Structures and Processes: M-LiNk promoted open enrollment in a web-based learning series on implementing Hospital Mortality Review Programs, including peer-reviewed program criteria, action elements and suggested stages of development for building a mature, highly effective Mortality Program.
2. Outcomes - Part I: Sepsis. This included opportunities for voluntary participation in either of two M-LiNk offerings on Sepsis, the leading cause of death in hospitalized patients:
a. AIMS - Assessment of Improvement Methodology in Sepsis: A study funded by NIH/AHRQ to evaluate the impact of traditional web-based CME training vs. participation in a virtual Learning Collaborative on Sepsis. Participants were randomly assigned to either intervention group for an 18-month implementation period. The CME-assigned group also had the opportunity to participate in the Learning Collaborative intervention for the second phase of the project. Participants received a wealth of resources and lessons learned from wide-scale implementation of the Sepsis Bundles, training and mentoring by faculty from the Surviving Sepsis Campaign.
b. M-LiNk Sepsis Web-based Learning Series: MHA hosted a series of web-based sessions delivered by local experts on evidence-based interventions for sepsis.
3. Outcomes - Part II: Other Drivers of Mortality. The focus of the learning network included a series of web-based sessions on common drivers of hospital mortality.